Tuesday 2 January 2018

How we Storyboarded

One important factor that we had to keep in mind when creating the storyboard was to incorporate the locations we had decided to shoot our music video in, into our drawings. This however made it easier as it allowed me to create an image in my mind which meant we only had to draw it.

It was difficult at first to come up with ideas for the music video, however once the narrative was decided it meant that the images all related to it in a certain way and the song helped to associate the narrative with shots. The method we used was to create shots in the mental asylum at the beginning of the song, then as the chorus kicked in we created shots of the main actor running and entering the 'Brain Box Room' and also shots of the band performing in different locations.To complete the storyboard we took a picture of each box and then placed them in order of how we wanted the video to be cut to. This was more complicated than a film sequence as it included repeating shots and cutting between narrative shots and band performance shots. Therefore it was made easier by uploading the pictures onto a computer as it allowed me to manipulate which pictures we wanted in the order of the music video

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