Wednesday 24 January 2018

Rehearsals with lead singer

This was the rehearsals with the lead singer. Here he is practising and learning the lyrics to Lithium by Nirvana to perfect his lip syncing, the way he is going to stand and sing with a guitar and trying to break free from the chair.

It was important that he learnt the lyrics, as to sell his star image he needed to perform with passion in the music video and if he was constantly thinking about the words he was saying he would not be able to give the performance that we needed him to give.

This is more active and he is practising sining the lyrics while standing and playing the 'guitar'. Again this is practising the performance element of the video, he needs to sell that he is a rockstar and be able to sing the lyrics on time while accurately playing the guitar.


This is Dylan the lead singer practising his second role in the music video as the mental patient. Part of this role is when he is stuck and chained in a chair and has to have a real look of anger and frustration on his face to sell the narrative. How much he looks in distress is how believable the narrative will be and how strong the message we are trying yo send to ur target audience will be. If the mental patient in the narrative can go from trapped and distressed to freedom this will inspire the disaffected youth who may be suffering similar problems to do try and fight it.

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