Tuesday 16 January 2018

RD Laing

In 1965, Kingsley Hall the residential treatment centre for the mentally ill was opened by Ronald Laing. He had a profound idea to give his mental patients hallucinogenic drugs such as LSD and DMT in order to "release their inner demons and childhood traumas." This lead to the regression of several patients to their childhood, for example patients such as Mary Barnes, who would smear the walls with her feaces for attention as she acted childlike. This historic event is remarkable for how far the psychiatrist RD Laing was allowed to go in terms of his psychiatric method, due to the attitude to the drug in that time.

The idea of hallucinogenic drugs and mental patients is implemented into our music video idea, as it allows us to better understand how those who are mentally ill act in order for our actors performance to be believable. It has also been implemented into our idea as during the chorus of the song while the actor is escaping from the mental hospital, it is really just an induced illusion from a hallucinogenic drug.

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