Wednesday 24 January 2018

Account Of Shooting: Day 1

Shooting Schedule No. 1: Studio

8:00am: Jared sets out and picks up Ethan, Dylan and Jack who all put props such as white sheets, straight jacket, glass box, clothes for patient and the band and more into Jared's car.

8:20am: Begin driving to destination which is JFS School where the studio is based.

8:45am: Arrive at school. Drive on site.

9:00am: Deliver all the props and equipment from the car to the filming studio.

9:30am: The group go to the science department, seeking to find a 'model brain' which will be placed inside the 'glass box' which will be used in particular shots of the music video.

9:50am: Found a 'model brain.' Put the 'model brain' in the studio.

10:00am: The group go to the Art department seeking to find more 'white sheets,' and other equipment that could be used to improvised with.

10:30am: The group succeed in their mission to the art department. They acquire the 'white sheets' as well as a very authentic 'white chair' which will look great with our asylum theme instead of the original 'wooden chair' that we were going to use.

10:45am: We arrive we the equipment and place it in the studio.

10:50am: The group begin tidying up the studio, in order for it to be ready for the decoration stage.

11:15am: Break time

11:30am: Decoration of the studio begins. We lay the white sheets on the floor to cover the blue carpet, put the white chair in the middle and set camera up.

12:05pm: Go to Mr. Swoby (Gadget) and ask for his help to set up the lighting for our music video. (The lights for the ceiling - move into correct positions and the bright standing light which will be used to put the colour filters on).

12:35pm: Lunch Time

13:35pm: The group begin the final touches to make the studio perfect for filming. This includes getting White wall tape to attach the white sheets to the wall to cover the side skirts of the wall, laying out the costumes for the main actor 'Noah,' 'The Band,' and the 'Nurse' and also putting the props in the correct positions where the filming will start so we don't waste any time.

14:40pm: The group all have lessons so they resume to period 6.

15:50pm: The group all meet in the studio.

16:20pm: Parents evening begins at school which will make filming difficult to start as the groups timings are uneven therefore inevitably will cause a delayed start.

18:10pm: The group and the main actors parents evening finally finishes. In the interim available group members were making additional touches to the studio and Jared went out and got fluids for the long night ahead.

18:20pm: Jack realised we didn't have an SD card in the camera (something we didn't account for, which should have been accounted for) therefore we wasted the better part of 10 minutes trying to find Mr. Swoby in order to acquire a very precious SD card which would allow us to begin filming.

18:30pm: First shots of 'Noah' sitting in the white chair, dressed in his straight jacket with chains around his feet. Many different shots were taken such as Wide shots, over the shoulder shots, low angle shots and close ups were used.

19:00pm: Next shots were taken. 'Noah' remained the same, however this time we had an actor (team member Jared) where the white lab coat and deliver the 'pill' to the patient 'Noah' and force it in his mouth. Again, wide shots, over the shoulder shots and close ups were used.

19:20pm: The next shots were of 'Noah' singing the song, using medium shots and close ups. (Noah changed costumes into his rockstar outfit and had the prop of the 'guitar' which was used in almost all of the singing shots).

19:50pm: Security guard came into the studio and told us we must leave the site as no one can stay in the building beyond 20:00pm.

20:00pm: Leave the studio. Leave school. Day 1 complete.

SUMMARY: Overall, the first day of shooting was a successful one. This is because although we didn't film too much we learnt a lot about our music video idea as well as the characters that ha their shots taken such as the patient 'Noah.' Due to the hard work of setting up the studio with props and decorations as a group we were able to visualise our idea to the fullest with new ideas popping up every other minute which we will definitely include in the following shooting days. Furthermore, upon reevaluation via our 'Media Whatsapp Group' we debated the pros and cons of the filming which we had done so far (even though a very minute bit was done) and ultimately decided that the main actor 'Noah' who is the patient and the rockstar was not the best part for the role. However we already has a plan B with our acting situation which will be put into place on day 2 and will hopefully all go to plan very smoothly. Nonetheless, a lot learnt from Day 1 which will make us more equipped as a group, to have better and better shooting days for the rest of filming in order for us to achieve the highest grade possible as that is our united goal!

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