Tuesday 9 January 2018

Feedback on Animatic

Written feedback from classmates:
  • "The shots are not always cut to the beat."
  • "Sometimes the instruments come in at points after we hear them in the song."
  • "Close ups are good."
  • "Theres a nice range of shots which capture the narrative."
  • "Narrative makes sense and is easy to follow, helps to sell the star image successfully."

Areas to Develop:

  • When shooting the music video film wide shots, mid shots and close ups of all the band so that theres more to cut to.
  • More emphasis on close ups when running through the sheets
  • Make sure at the end of each filming session that we pan left or right so that we can cut from one sequence to another
What We'll Do
  • Take the tripod out so that we can film the singer from different angles while he's running
  • Have different back drops in the studio to emphasise the different states in his mind as it doesn't come across clearly in the animatic
  • Pan across so theres more to cut to.

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