Wednesday 24 January 2018

Account Of Shooting: Day 4

Regroup: After we regrouped in preparation for the final stretch after the previous day being so successful we had even more desire to smash the last day. After, we approached skilled drummer 'Sam Pins' at 'Battle of the Bands' and offered him a contract we were crossing our fingers hoping he would sign. And he did!!!! This means we will have a top class drummer who knows the song and when and which drum part needs to be hit, this will be amazing for our music video. We watched the footage we got from day 3 and were very pleased with it but of course will still reshoot particular shots which need to be fixed slightly. Onto day 4 we go!!!!

10:05am: Group go to media classroom and download the footage from yesterday and begin reviewing it in order to see what shots need to be reshot on the last day.

11:20am: Group set a plan for the final day so everything is organised and can be filmed as efficiently as possible so we get all our shots in.

12:00pm: Lunch time. Prepare all instruments so when 'Sam' the drummer arrives everything is ready to start immediately with the band shots.

12:40pm: Last lesson of the day.

13:30pm: End of the day. Group meet at the studio and await for the arrival of 'Sam' as well.

13:40pm: All the band shots with 'Ethan,' 'Dylan' and 'Sam' begins using all five backgrounds.

15:00pm: Now we repeated shots of 'Dylan' in the straight jacket as the patient as well as him being the rockstar with his guitar.

16:00pm: Final shots completed of close ups which will be added into the music video.

17:00pm: Tidy up and return all props to where we got them from and load up the car will all the props we brought in.

17:30pm: Day over. Leave the studio and leave the site.

Evaluation: Great last day of filming. We were able to finish all the shots that were on our animatic plus many more which will provide us with a diverse group of shots to create and edit our music video extremely well and portray our idea to the best of our ability with the shots we have gotten.

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