Wednesday 24 January 2018

Account Of Shooting: Day 3

Regroup: After we regrouped and watched the footage from day 2 in our free period and lunch we learnt a lot. We learnt from the footage of the band shots that we needed the drummer 'Jared' to show more passion and engagement with the rest of the band when he was playing, therefore he will connect better with the audience. Additionally, we also understood that main actor 'Dylan' was struggling consistently with the second verse of the song which meant the lip syncing wasn't as in sync as we would've liked. This problem has led us to add dedicated time with Dylan to help him learn the words better as we know the lip syncing part of the music video is essential. Apart from the problems we have addressed we were delighted with the rest of the footage and the things that we all learnt and we will therefore re film certain aspects. To day 3 we go!!!!

10:10am: The group have a free period so go to the media suite to download all the footage and watch it in order to gain valuable information about day 2 and learn from it going into day 3.

12:30pm: Lunch Time. The group will reassemble at 13:35pm in the studio.

13:35pm: Group meet at the studio to begin filming.

13:45pm: We begin with filming new shoots. We move the glass box and put the brain inside it and chains around it to film the shots of the main actor as a patient (costumer = straight jacket) looking and taking the brain out of the box looking extremely confused and lost. We film these shots in 5 different background colours, being, white, blue, green, red and pink.

14:55pm: Break for five minutes after an intense start using some very bright lights.

15:00pm: We carry on with the glass box brain/chain shots with the 5 colours, but this time the main actor is in his rockstar clothes. We are doing this as we are trying to create the vision we have for editing which will be his patient self looking at his rockstar self across from one another in the same shot (opposite sides of the glass box, looking at the brain). This took a fraction of the time as we only needed to capture one certain shot of the main actor as his rockstar self.

15:20pm: Main actor 'Dylan' is practicing the words to improve the lip syncing when we are filming the band shots and rockstar shots.

15:40pm: Repeat solo rockstar shots of main actor as the rockstar. Whole song with white (default) background. Wide shots, close ups, medium shots (the variety will allow us to edit in the best parts)

16:10pm: New shots of the main character as the rockstar with his guitar were being taken such as low angle close ups with the main actor in new and more unique positions to make the editing of the shots more exciting. Also birds-eye view shots were taken which we really liked and think will fit in really well in a particular section of the song.

16:50pm: Shots of the main actor being the rockstar throwing the brain at the wall and smashing the brain with a wooden baseball bat. Also shots of him smashing up an old VCR machine on the white chair with the chains around it, smashing it with the wooden baseball bat showing his immense anger.

17:30pm: Day 3 finished. Group leave site. Group will regroup tomorrow for day 4.

Evaluation: Another successful day shooting, repeating some shots from the previous day (solo shots of rockstar) as well as new shots with the glass box with the brain and chains with the main actor as his rockstar self and patient self in the straight jacket. All the glass box shots were done in the five different background colours that we have been consistently been using. However, some shots that we aimed to re shoot, such as all the scenes with the band (the whole song for each shot) in all the different background colours couldn't be done today because of the school annual competition of 'Battle of the Bands,' thus meaning we cant use the instruments we need. This means a fourth day in the studio is a certainty and will be done tomorrow. Additionally, in the group recap we learned that 'Jared' wasn't our number one option to be the drummer in the band which has led us to approach a drummer who is participating in the battle of the bands and will fit the role really well. The drummer called 'Sam Pins' has told us he would participate in day 4 which will be a very useful addition, hopefully he commits and keeps his word. Lastly, one of the bigger problems was the main actor 'Dylan' struggling with the lip syncing as he would forget words occasionally and struggled with verse two. Cleverly we allocated 20 minutes of todays shoot to Dylan being able to study and rehearse the song consistently for that period of time which led to the solo shots of him being the rockstar to be significantly better which was a huge positive for the music video. Onwards and upwards to day 4!!!!

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