Sunday 7 January 2018

How we Made the Animatic

One thing that I had to keep in mind when creating the animatic was to make sure that while cutting each shot to the beat, I would always convey the timeline of the narrative. This meant that when in post-production of our music video I would know the exact shots to put where in the video, and also what parts of the narrative would show as well. One problem I faced at the start was deciding when to repeat shots and when to implement new shots that developed the narrative. This was because in music videos there has to be a perfect balance between narrative shots and performance shots in order for the audience to remain entertained while also portray the star image of the artist as a band or a solo singer. The method I used was to take a picture of each of the storyboard boxes and crop them to fit the whole frame of a screen, then I imported them all into iMovie. Next I placed the song, edited to how we wanted, into the timeline of iMovie and placed each shot we wanted into the timeline and started placing them in order. This was more complicated than a film sequence as it included repeating shots and cutting between narrative shots and band performance shots. Therefore it was made easier by uploading the pictures onto a computer as it allowed me to manipulate which pictures I wanted in the order of the music video

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