Wednesday 24 January 2018

Account Of Shooting: Day 2

Regroup: After we regrouped after Day 1 we discussed the acting situation and whether or not 'Noah' should keep the part as the main actor of the 'patient' and the 'rockstar.' In conclusion, we decided to release 'Noah' as the main actor. This is because, we plan to have at least a total of 2 shooting days in the studio, each of 5 hours filming therefore we converged with 'Noah' and he was unable to commit to consecutive days of filming. This resulted in a group decision to make us the actors! 'Dylan' will be the main actor, 'Jack' will be the role of the nurse, 'Ethan' and 'Jared' will be members of the band with 'Dylan' as well who is a rockstar in the band. We decided this would be the best course of action to give this group the best chance of success. We are all passionate about our idea, we know the idea inside and out and motivated to get the absolute best grade. Lastly, we know what each character needs to do and how they must act, therefore as group members participating as actors we will all have consistent contributions to the music video and express all the feelings and characteristics that we want our actors to portray in order to related to the audience as best as possible.

13:45pm: The group had a free period so we instantly began filming and repeating all the shots done yesterday as 'Dylan' was the new main actor therefore all shots we did with 'Noah' were repeated such as the shots in the straight jacket in the chair with the chains around him, the shot with the nurse giving the main actor the pill and also the shots of the main actor in their rockstar clothes playing the guitar. All the shots we did had wide shots, medium shots, close ups and some shots had over the shoulder shots.

14:40pm: Free period ends. Group dissemble to their last lesson of the day.

15:45pm: Last lesson finished. Group immediately meet in the studio.

16:00pm: Little details that have fallen apart such as the tape against the wall had to be mended slightly. A new detail was added to the studio which was a 'High Voltage Danger' sign which covers the black plug box.

16:15pm: The shot of the main actor standing up in his rockstar clothes with the guitar around him and looking at where the white chair would. This is because we plan to edit the two shots together of when the main actor is his rockstar self looking down at him being a patient in a mental institution to really emphasise the different lives and capture the contrast.

16:45pm: Close up of the main actor in his rockstar clothes with his guitar singing the whole song so we can edit in the clips we like.

17:30pm: Moved onto the band shots. Group went to the music department to get the entire drum set and a base guitar which meant we had all three instruments, one for each rockstar of the band. Set up actors and instruments in the correct positions in order to begin with the band shots.

17:45pm: Band shots begin. Wide shot of band so all actors and instruments can be seen. We shot in the white background as well as adding four different colour filters (red, green, blue, pink) and filmed the whole song for each colour with some retakes as well. This was the toughest part of the filming as we needed to get all three actors in sync with the way they were moving and the way they were playing their instruments to go with the sounds in the song. We will definitely review the footage to make sure we are happy, and if not, we will re film until we're happy.

19:30pm: The band shots have finally finished. Take instruments back to the music department.

19:45pm: Day 2 is finished. Leave the site.

SUMMARY: It would be hard to say that Day 2 wasn't a huge day in terms of progression for our music video. We were finally happy with our actors as we had access to them at all times (as they were us) which meant we would all be able to re watch the footage and learn from errors then re film for hours the next day to acquire the perfect footage. Second of all, key features such as when the band played in the different colour filters really came to life and gave the group a buzz as we knew this would make our music video unique from the rest of the pack, despite further unique shots that were completed on the same day (such as Main actor as rockstar looking down at himself as a mental patient). Therefore this day was extremely positive on the surface. This means that tomorrow in our free period and lunch we will dissect the footage we captured and evaluate it and take notes of what we will re film with what needs to improve. Therefore once the filming stage is over we will have the absolute best possible footage to achieve our A* we are all aiming for.

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