Tuesday 23 January 2018

Shot by Shot List

  1. Far Wide Shot from outside the studio shooting room looking into the studio from the window
  2. Wide Shot of the entire studio with the mental patient in a straight jacket, sitting on a chair in the middle of the room
  3. Wide Shot of the entire studio with the band in the centre of the room
  4. Wide Shot of the entire studio with the lead singer walking around himself as the mental patient
  5. Wide Shot of the entire studio with the lead singer singing alone in the centre of the room
  6. Wide Shot of the entire studio with the mental patient in a straight jacket, sitting on a chair in the middle of the room
  7. Quad Shot of all four wide shots playing simultaneously
  8. Close Up of lead singer singing 
  9. Close Up of Guitarist singing
  10. Close Up of drummer
  11. Close Up of guitar
  12. Close Up of drums
  13. Close Up of Bass
  14. Quad Shot of all four wide shots playing simultaneously
  15. Wide Shot of the entire studio with the mental patient in a straight jacket, sitting on a chair in the middle of the room
  16. Wide Shot of the entire studio with the lead singer walking around himself as the mental patient
  17. Over the Shoulder of the nurse, Close Up of the pills on the tray moving along 
  18. Wide Shot of the nurse walking in the studio and giving the mental patient the sedative/hallucinogenic drugs
  19. Close Up of mental patients face while he swallows the drug, then zoom in to his eyes as they close slowly
  20. Side Wide Shot of the mental patient running in the tunnel 
  21. Side Wide Shot of the mental patient running along the shoreline
  22. Behind the Back/Over the Shoulder Shot of the lead singer and the mental patient running towards the centre of a hallway
  23. Mid Shot of the lead singer and the mental patient merging together into one person, still wearing the mental patients costume
  24. Medium Wide Shot of the studio wth a box in the middle of the room with a projected red background
  25. Medium Wide Shot of the studio wth a box in the middle of the room with a projected green background
  26. Medium Wide Shot of the studio wth a box in the middle of the room with a projected blue background
  27. Medium Wide Shot of the studio wth a box in the middle of the room with a projected orange background
  28. Quad Shot of the colour rooms
  29. Mid Shot of the Mental patient running out the room with him emerging from a closed door
  30. Side Wide Shot of the Mental Patient Running in the other direction, giving the impression he is running back
  31. Wide Shot of the Band playing while the mental patient is standing confused to the right of them with backdrop 1
  32. Wide Shot of the Band playing while the mental patient is standing confused to the right of them with backdrop 2
  33. Wide Shot of the Band playing while the mental patient is standing confused to the right of them with backdrop 3
  34. Wide Shot of the mental patient in the white room with several duplicates each acting out a certain symptom of schizophrenia
  35. Wide Shot of the mental patient acting as if all the duplicates have just vanished and he is standing alone in the white room
  36. Over the Shoulder Shot of the mental patient looking at the box in the centre of the coloured room
  37. Low Angle Mid Shot of the mental patient picking up the brain from inside the box and then dropping it into the box out of fear
  38. Mid Shot of the Mental patient running out the room with him emerging from a closed door 
  39. Wide Shot of the Band playing while the mental patient is standing confused to the right of them with backdrop 2
  40. Mid Shot of the mental patient running onto a bridge with his hands on his head acting as if he can't take his mental disorder anymore
  41. Mid Side Shot the mental patient running across the bridge with his hands on his head
  42. Mid Shot of the lead singer leaning against the bridge with arms out wide
  43. Mid Shot of the the lead singer on the bridge with guitar and mic singing the song
  44. Track/Pan Shot of the mental patient in slow motion with his hands on his head
  45. Side Wide Shot of mental patient running in a tunnel and he runs past himself as homeless
  46. Side Wide Shot of mental patient running in a tunnel and he runs past the lead singer singing the song
  47. Wide Shot of the lead singer smashing up a machine
  48. Close Up of the machine smashing
  49. Close Up of the bat smashing a machine
  50. Close Up of the bat smashing the brain
  51. Wide Shot of the Band playing while the mental patient is acting crazy with his hands on his head to the right of them with backdrop 1
  52. Wide Shot of the Band playing while the mental patient is acting crazy with his hands on his head to the right of them with backdrop 2
  53. Wide Shot of the Band playing while the mental patient is acting crazy with his hands on his head to the right of them with backdrop 3 
  54. Mid Side Shot the mental patient sprinting across the bridge
  55. Close up of lead singer singing the song
  56. Quick Cut to the Close Up of guitar being played
  57. Close up of lead singer singing the song
  58. Quick Cut to the Close Up of drums being played
  59. Close up of lead singer singing the song
  60. Track/Pan Shot of the mental patient in slow motion with his hands on his head, then speeding up
  61. Wide Shot of the mental patient in the chair acting crazy
  62. Mid Shot of the the lead singer on the bridge with guitar and mic singing the song
  63. Wide Shot of the lead singer smashing the guitar on the ground in slow motion
  64. Over the Shoulder Shot of the scientist looking through the window into the mental patient sleeping
  65. Close Up of the mental patient 

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