Wednesday 24 January 2018

Influences on our music video

Our idea for our music video was born from an idea about discussing mental health related issues. In this respect, we were influenced by the film Fight club. This film deals with personality disorder yet is quite humorous at the same time and incredibly stylish. The film despite it's dark subject matter managed to widen its target audience because it was visually stylish and therefore, this is something that we wish to include within our music video e.g. making something visually stylish yet at the same time appealing to a wide target audience. 

We acknowledged other music genres we could have tapped into. Yet, after evaluating the happiness of the pop genre, we believed that the rock genre had more areas to address to our audience. 

Our reason behind this is to appeal to an audience who may also feel disengaged and outsiders to society and get them to buy into our idea. We feel by conveying this image, it'll reach out to this niche target audience. 

Our music video will have colours and tones similar to Fight Club. We want it to be dark and creative a mood that reflects the harsh subject matter, power of the song and genre of the band e.g. hard hitting alternative rock needs to have dark lighting to convey the meaning of the song.

This video of Biffy Clyro singing 'Many of Horror' reflects many of our themes that we want to employ in our music video, the dark lighting, the use of the grey industrial setting and the dark clothing of the singer. All of these reflect the way in which we want our artist to be within the rock oeuvre and at the same time reflect the dark subject matter of the song and artist. By using dark colours and dark setting we can convey the darkness that will enable our audience to buy into our artists authenticity and at the same time reflect their alienation and disengagement from society.

Here is another music video of the 23 year old Archy Marshall, better known as 'King Krule'. The young sensation turned down the opportunity to work with Kanye West as he 'couldn't be bothered'. Many view this as him being authentic and true to himself that he doesn't need the excess fame in his life. In this music video, there are elements of darkness and aggression that we feel would work well in our music video. Furthermore, as parts of the video are filmed in the location of London, when our lead singer is in his 'fantasy world' where he is roaming the streets, we think areas used in this music video would work really well for us. The use of a fish eye lens effect and washed out colours would work really well with our fantasy scene. By filming on in central London, we will we be able to convey the true street image of London which will demonstrate the organic nature of the band and appeal to our alienated disaffect teenage audience.

authenticity of artist + organic nature of locations (darkness) will appeal to a disengaged alienated youth 

Another fantastic song that illustrates the colour and hopefulness to life is none other than Cosmo Pyke's, Chronic Sunshine. He is a young British evolving artist who truly understands the British street culture and puts that across in his lyrics and his music videos. He filmed his video Chronic Sunshine on the streets of London. Due to us living in London, we feel his video is a positive vibe that we can emulate into our scene in our music video whereby our lead singer escapes into his 'fantasy world'. The use of lighting and establishing shots showing the streets is really good and creates an immersive experience for the viewer. By filming in private streets of London, we will be able to film our singer walking down empty roads with dark lighting appealing to the disengaged youth.

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