Saturday 21 April 2018

Learning How to Enhance Our Video Using After Effects

One of the effects that we will apply to our music video using Adobe After Effects is cloning two characters into the same shot, a lot of the other effects can be done inside Adobe Premiere Pro. This video explains not only how to clone characters but also how to allow for seamless interaction between each character even though it is impossible in real life. This effect is achieved simply by filming multiple shots of the same actor, in a different position, however the camera angle and zoom remains the same, this makes it look like it is all in the same scene. Once the filming is done, you only have to import both/each shot into adobe after effects in the same composition, apply a mask over the top video, and then apply a feather to it which makes the mask line seamless and unnoticeable. To apply interaction includes some preemptive thinking and direction when filming each shot, and then the mask just needs to be adjusted in the frames of interaction so that it doesn't cut out any moving objects to reveal the mask nature of the clip.

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