We asked all three of these women the same simple question 'What did you think of our website?'
They all gave really positive responses bringing up important features of the website.
In the first video response she noticed how the black and white colour scheme match the rock genre, which was one of our key focusses when designing the website so we are really happy this came across. Secondly the fact that there was links to social media was also praised, this was another important aspect of the website as a new organic band its important for us to utilise social media where the majority of our target audience constantly use so we can build our fanbase and increase our popularity.
This second video of feedback, was also full of praise for the website but for different reasons. Again she mentions about the colour scheme which is positive to know that people are noticing this and making the link to the rock genre. However, she also explains how easy the website is to navigate and use which is the most important part of any website that all the links work and its easy to use. This will also increase the likely hood of people buying our merchandise if its easy to access. Furthermore, the fact she mentioned the font standing out also is nice to here as we wanted the font to stand out from the black and white background and bring the attention to the important part of the website.
Lastly, this feedback video also gave us something different to think about. She pointed out that our website had all the important features that she wants to see on a band website including the shop to buy merchandise and links to social media. Not only does this highlight that the website is clear and easy to use but that it makes people want to use it and the fact she noticed that we had a shop is very positive as that will hopefully be a strong way to generate income as the band grows through selling merchandise.
This is negative feedback that we received. The negative response was directed towards the website being bland and not standing out through the black and white colours. Although this was intentional to fit the rock genre and the dark themes we do acknowledge that the colours might not stand out enough.
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