Thursday, 12 April 2018

Audience questionnaire + analysis

This poll was answered by a variety of people to see if our narrative does reach out to our target audience which are the alienated youth of society. The purpose of this questionnaire is to give us an idea of if we are going along the right lines. If we receive more yes answers than no, we can acknowledge that we are along the right lines and that our narrative is clear to whom we are reaching out to.

On the other hand, if we receive more no answers, we have to take appropriate action. This would be, altering colour themes in our video such as more use of dark black and grey colours and also infer more violent natured aspects to our video.

This questionnaire will benefit us and will enable us to receive more fundamental feedback into forming a great music video for the alienated youth. Alongside this singled questionnaire, we have a survey monkey which is a more detailed questionnaire. The importance of having these questionnaire's is that it allows us to know what our audience thought of our music video and also in relation to selling our star image, if we have clearly been told by the audience that we have portrayed the narrative and the star image in the way we want, it'll allow us to reach out to the hard rock fans and sell our star image to the detached youth. Feedback from an audience is the best and most important way of understanding as a group what we have achieved and also what we may need to alter.
The positive feedback we have received from both our single questionnaire and also the survey monkey clearly illustrates to us that we have successfully sold our star image to the hard rock genre and also did this through conventions such as close ups and lip syncing to really reach out to the isolated youth.

Do you feel our narrative applies to the alienated youth?


Survey Monkey Audience Questionnaire 

Another Questionnaire 

Here is some analysis of our questionnaire on survey monkey which will give us further assistance in knowing what we have done well and what may be altered to help sell our star image to the alienated youth. The answer count is always increasing so the more feedback received the more suitable changes we can make.

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