Sunday 17 December 2017

Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment

Filming in the street in a central location filled with fast cars and large buses.

Low risk as we will not be filming in the middle of the street. We will be cautious regardless of the low risk as camera equipment could fall into the road and as we are borrowing the property we have a legal responsibility of looking after it.

In order to counteract the risk, we will be so cautious every time we film or go near to the road.
Equipment being stolen

High risk as we will be in the vibrant busy London city, constantly on the go and moving. We acknowledge that we may encounter people on the streets who may ‘approach us’ however, we will always be looking about our equipment and leave it in our car when we are not using it. 

We will counteract the risk by labelling our equipment if it were to be ‘misplaced’ so people can contact us if need be.
Car crashing on the way to filming

Medium risk. We will only drive with those who have their driving licence which certainly minimizes the risk as they know how to drive safely as they would have recently passed their car theory test and know the rules of the road to avoid any accidents. 

We will counteract the risk by driving with labels on our car informing drivers that there are fragile items in the car to avoid any cars zooming past us dangerously.

If actors can’t make it on the day due to illness. Or if they become ill during filming
Low risk as we will ensure our actors are fit and ready to film by texting them prior to filming (the day before). We will also avoid any unforeseen illness's by making sure all actors are 100% fit and healthy to film the night before. We will also let them have a good night sleep the night before.

If the actors become ill during filming, we will carry a pack of ibuprofen and calpol to ensure a speedy recovery so they can get back up and finish filming
Tripping over equipment.
Low risk as our equipment is wireless without cables required. We will keep all of our equipment close together regardless so our group and anyone around us around can visibly see where the equipment is situated within our filming area.
Equipment getting water damaged
Living in a wet environment, there is a possibility that it'll rain on the day we film. To ensure safety upon our filming equipment, we will keep it covered at all times and when we are exposed, we will either use an umbrella to cover rain from going on it or film in a sheltered area.

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