Saturday 16 December 2017

List of props and equipment we need

White bed sheets

Why? - We need lots of white bed sheets to cover the studio we will be filming in to make it look like a medial asylum.

Why? - We need lots of different shaped and colour pills to emphasise the life of someone stuck in an institution and to signify how mental patients are pacified.

Straight Jacket
Why? - We want to portray that the actor is a danger to himself therefore by showing that his arms and movement is constricted it connotes this.

Why? - Because its a music video and we decided to use a diverse range of instruments to make our video more unique and unpredictable. 

Glass Box/Stool
Why? - We need a stool to put the glass box on as in the scene with the different colour rooms it will stand in the centre of the room and we will need a stool to place it at body height so we can put an object in the box to connote the patient being trapped inside a box.

Colour Filters
Why? - We need to portray that the patient is in multiple different rooms, so by using colour filters the different coloured rooms will show that the patient is in a different place at a different time, however all the rooms look the same which emphasises the boring and uneventful life of a patient in a mental institution.

Medical Tool
Why? - Medical tools will be seen in the room to further emphasise the asylum life to the audience.

Computer Screen/VCR Machine
Why? - We were able to obtain old computer screen monitors to smash as well as a VCR machine to smash when the patient gets angry in the asylum.

Wooden Chair
Why? - The patient will be sitting in the white room in their straight jacket an later on in the video the patient will smash the chair.

Baseball Bat
Why? - Baseball bat for the patient to smash the computer screen and VCR machine.

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