Wednesday 13 December 2017

Fight Club is a movie that strongly relates to the narrative of our idea

Fight Club is a movie from 1999 which is all about a man suffering a mental illness and wants to change his life. There is Edward Norton who works in an office who has a boring normal job and gets involved in a plane crash. When he is in the plane crash, he falls asleep and goes into a phantasmagoria fantasy world. Then he becomes mentally insane and his new person embodies everything he wants. He has fighting skills and can make bombs out of soap. This new person is exactly who he wants to be yet it is all a fantasy.

This film relates to our idea as we want to positively represent mental health issues and disability  and do it delicately and carefully. Therefore, we will have our main actor institutionalised but show how he escapes being institutionalized through his dreams. We will show how our singer escapes his day to day existence through his dreams of being a rockstar. We feel this would also appeal to the target audience of a rock/InD band as they may also feel alienated from society and want to smash the system.

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