Saturday 9 December 2017


The definition of phantasmagoria is a dream like state where it has hard to tell the difference weather something really happened or if your dreaming it. This is the message we are putting across in our music video.

This links to our narrative as it is all about a man in a mental institution who enters a phantasmagoric state whereby he is running free in a road/alleyway with police 'chasing him'. The idea behind the actor running free is the element of him escaping his mental problems and then the police are meant to represent his mental problems 'chasing' him back to reality.

A painter known as Will Boyd and a photographer by the name of Hubert Cecil, came together to do a series of art and photography named, 'CecilBoyd'. Their collaboration took 2 and a half years to complete. It is based on female identity and centred from Hubert Cecils, nightclub photography when he was a student yet twisted, with a high concept fashion editorial. 

Here are two of my own favourite paintings from the collaboration of work. I thought I'd show the contrast of colours in each painting. With the darker painting showing white and charcoal almost representing a wedding. It has a darker feel to it with a more mysteriousness to it due to the faces on the wall squeezed together. 

The pink painting connotes love and fun for me. The two girls with the high black shoes, short dress and whips symbolises strippers/pole dancers at a nightclub. The pink and blue colours have a positive feel to it and the girls behind the face is a very creative idea.

This all links to our music video as our narrative is all about a man who enters a phantasmagoria of freedom and is let go of his mental reality. Whilst he enters this state, the entire mood is shown positively with backgrounds to show time passing by such as clouds and the actor running down a road. Him running will symbolise him running towards his freedom and then the police officers chasing him represents his mental problems trying to catch him back.

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