Thriller subgenres
Medical Thriller
Involves something medical, for example a deadly virus leaking out to the public and the protagonist is trying to find a cure to stop the virus.
Psychological Thriller
A lot of the conflict is mental, not phsyical, where the protagonist must overcome their opponent using their mental prowess and wit. They become involved in a dangerous situation which may effect their sanity.
Mystery Thriller
Both mysteries and thrillers, however much more fast paced with the protagonist potentially on the run and the threat of another crime serving as the “ticking clock.”
Supernatural Thriller
The plot line and suspense is the same to normal thrillers, however some characters may have supernatural characteristics such as psychic powers.
Romantic Thriller
Follows a typical thrillers plot line, suspense and excitemetnt however throughout you see the growth in relationship between to characters.
Disaster Thriller
A natural disaster takes place and the antagonist usually tries to save himself, whereas the protagonist will save others and resolve the disaster.
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Action Thriller
A thriller that en tales a lot of action. E.g. A movie that may contain explosions as these appeal to the public.
Political Thriller
Political relations and entire governements are at stake where the protagnist is usually hired by the government to protect and save the governement(s).
The protagonist must stop a threat that could have massive consequence, locally, nationally or worldwide.
Spy Thriller
Focuses on the high adventures of field agents and is usually set after some war or big world event.

Legal Thriller
Usually takes place in and around the courtroom, where the protagonist is mostly a lawyer trying to protect their own or their clients lives.

Conspiracy Thriller
Where the main protagonist is the only one who knows the truth and must fight to overcome a bigger and more powerful organisation.
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Crime Thriller
Focuses on crime where the criminal may be involved in physical action and the police usually ends up trying to solve the crime with evidence that has become available.
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Forensic Thriller
The protagonist(s) are forensic scientiests and they must unresolve threats that could ruin their lives.

Is a cross between near-future science fiction and thrillers. Important technology is playing a big part, something the protagonist is trying to obtain or to dismiss.

Religious Thriller
Uses history and myths where usually secrets about religion or the past about groups have been discovered.

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