Thursday 16 March 2017

BBFC Film Classification

BBFC Film Classification

BBFC's Goal:
- Protect the entire population, mainly children from potential harmful content.
- Helping parents make informed decisions on what they view.
- Provide a cost efficient service .
- Respect adult freedom of choice.
- Respond to changing social attitudes within the media world.

How does the classification work?

The most vital aspect is to protect children viewing harmful and disturbing content. Therefore the BBFC aim to give consumers the maximum information available so a clear and informative decision can be made on whether one would like to see a certain film, or if it is suitable for ones child.
This results in the BBFC watching all movies the whole way through and giving them a classification certificate based upon strict criteria such as factors like 'strong violence,' 'strong violence' and 'sexual scenes.'

Classification Stages:

U - Suitable for all (Mild/very limited/none at all; discrimination, drugs, imitable behaviour, language, nudity, sex, threat and violence)
PG - (Mild/very limited/none at all/some mildly accepted; discrimination, drugs, imitable behaviour, language, nudity, sex, threat and violence)

12/12A - (Very little and not used by a whole group, no promotion so that children will copy; discrimination, drugs, imitable behaviour, language, nudity, sex, threat and violence) Only people of aged 12 and over can see these types of movies, however if you are under 12 you can only see the movie if accompanied by an adult.

15 - (A lot accepted but some not as a whole such as discrimination however racist, homophobic and other themes are accepted. Sexual scenes and strong language is also allowed however lack of strong language and detail during sexual scenes is limited; discrimination, drugs, imitable behaviour, language, nudity, sex, threat and violence)

18 - (Mostly all accepted to strong and high levels, however categories such 'sex works' where real life sex is shown may be considered under the R18 category ; discrimination, drugs, imitable behaviour, language, nudity, sex, threat and violence)

Our Thriller BBFC Film Classification: South War

Thriller Key Words: Strong Langauge |  Strong violence  |   Strong threat
Our thriller 'South War' would class as a 15 as there will be strong language, violence and threat, however there will be no promotion on how weapons were obtained nor will there be any realistic views that could harm the public as its not common for any sound individual to join a mafia. Therefore, as a result of strong contextual subjects and scenes, but lack of realism and the promotion of how weapons and dangerous items were obtained means 'South War' is suitable for anyone aged 15+. 

'BBFC Official Classification of the movie 'SOUTH WAR' - 15 (suitable for persons aged 15+)'

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