This is My actor Aree Rand who is playing the role of 'Micheal Callaghan'. We wanted to cast a good looking older man to play this role to attract a female audience to watch our film. A similar famous actor that Is like ours is 'Clive Owen, who is also the same age (52) and is considered by many to be a good-looking male actor who attracts a female audience to all his featured productions. Clive Owen starred in the movie 'The children of men' which was a huge success and he received lots of praise and the film itself which he played a starring role was nominated for an Academy award.
This is my actor Ethan Rand who is playing the role of 'Dennis Callaghan', similarly to Aree Rand we casted him as he is a good-looking actor and will attract a female audience. He is also a lot younger the Aree Rand so will attract different age groups and therefore a larger range of the female audience. Ethan Rand is similar to 'Zac Efron' who is extremely famous movie star and is also considered by many to be very good-looking and definitely idolised by many women who watch his films and do so because he is in them. He is also a lot younger then 'Clive Owen' and Aree Rand which is similar to Ethan Rand, If Ethan Rand was able to become as idolised as Zac Efron is then the reach of our film would grow increasingly as girls all over the world idolise and want to see a Zac Efron movie.
Finally, this is Elliot Sorsky who played the role of 'Brandon Callaghan', he is presented as the boss and the man in control in our opening sequence. I believe he is very similar to 'Mike Ehrmantraut' who stars in breaking bad. This is because first of all his appearance is similar in a way as they are both bold and intimidating looking. Mike is considered a very powerful and imposing man which is a very similar impression that we hoped that our actor Elliot Sorsky would give off, as his role as boss and head of mafia needs these characteristics for the audience to respect him and see him as the superior character.