Wednesday 21 June 2017

narrative theory


Equilibrium -the beginning when everything appears normal
disruption- something happens to disrupt the normality
recognition- when the characters realise something has happened to them and they decide to act upon it.
attempt to restore- the act of trying to restore the normality
new equilibrium- everything is back to normal- except its not- as its a new normality as things have changed after their journey txt

All narratives are structured in the same way be it films, tv dramas, radio plays or novels. All narratives have a beginning,  middle and end although they don't necessarily come in that order.

Examples of this not being true:
kill bill
The usual suspects

How does hero follow Todorov's theory:
The video does not start at equilibrium but starts at disruption as they re clearly on the run with a suitcase and trying to runaway from there problems. This is followed by recognition occurs when he realises he has to fight in order to win the heart of the girl he loves. The attempt to restore normality is during the fight when he is trying to defeat the girls ex-lover and win the girl and not have to fight for her anymore. At the end there is a new equilibrium where the fight has finished and he has won the girl but it has come at a price as he is about to die so all the disruption is behind them but now he is going to die and she is on her own as her ex-lover is going to jail and her new boyfriend is going to die.

The narrative sells Enrique as a heartthrob, sexualised and make girls want him. the target audience is mainly females and the budget shows it is aimed at a worldwide target audience.

 Band of horses- Dilly

This starts at equilibrium, it exists for the bikers and the town people as neither have met at this point and don't see incoming danger, which we see through the cross cutting that we know they are going to meet and be a disruption. The disruption occurs when the bikers enters the bar and we see there reactions and the bikers like to be violent and so do the town people. The recognition is the realisation that they both don't like each other and there is violence towards each other. Then there is an attempt to restore which is the shoot-out. Hippies use their fingers whilst the rednecks use their guns. Hippies come in peace, but are faced with violence and so have to react. Lastly the new equilibrium is when the hippies ride off into the sunset and the town is faced with devastation.

The narrative of the music video fits with the image of the band and helps sell their star as alternative, country rockers.

Chase and status- let me go

It starts at equilibrium when he is doing his normal job hosting his tv show and preparing to go on stage to host. The disruption comes when he goes back home and gets kicked out by his wife and he leaves the house by slamming the door. The recognition is when his life starts spiralling out of his control when he is up all night doing drugs, sleeping with prostitutes showing his life is no different to the lives of the people he is trying to persecute on tv. The attempt to restore is him going back to his job and trying to forget his problems by doing what he is best at and is use to doing. Lastly the new equilibrium is him doing the same job as he always has but in his head knowing he has a drug problem, messed it up with his wife and kicked out his home.

How does this help Chase and Status image:
This helps sells there image as a band who does drugs and plays in nightclubs this rock and role image that sells worldwide to a large audience.

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