Saturday 31 March 2018

set design

This was the set of our main location where we filmed most of our music video. This is at the school media suite which we turned into what we best felt looked like a white asylum or mental institution to fit our narrative. In this photo it is clear to see the studio and the overhead lighting used to increase the brightness of the setting. We also had the camera in that position for most of our shots including the ones of the main artist and the band. To the left of the camera is an extra strong light which we put colour paper in front of to change the lighting of the room in certain shots. Furthermore, to complete the set we put down a huge white sheet to cover the entirety of the floor which we stuck to the bottom of the floor using white tape. This was needed to complete the white asylum look and have a complete white room. The setting was crucial to the narrative of the film and we feel we accomplished this to the best of our ability.

  This photo is of two of our group members setting up the camera and placing it in the perfect spot. Again in this photo the white cloth that we used to cover the floor of the set can be seen and how big it really was.

 Here is another angle of the set, one of the overhead lights is on which was facing the singers throughout and was used to enhance the colours of the video. On the left hand wall and the back wall of the video is a box coming out of the wall which has plug sockets in and is usually black. However, to fit in with our setting we used white tape to cover the box and then printed a warning danger sign in black and white and put it in a dirty old slip in sheet to give it extra effect and further sell the image of the mental institution.

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