Monday 26 March 2018

Analysis of 2 CD covers in relation to negus theory

The Blue seen in the water shows purity and the image could represent the baptising of this baby, in reflection telling us that this album will baptise us and make us pure again. The cover denotes their 'organic' type of artists due to their alternative and subliminal meaning unlike a mainstream 'synthetic' artist who mainly aim to entice a certain audience rather then convey a message. The use of the baby and money tries to sell the image of a predisposed greed for money as we see the baby chasing after a dollar. The baby denotes the organic nature of the band because it conveys that it is the purest form of humans as we can know as it is a nude baby untouched by capitalism and in this instance the artists could be directing this message to the music industry. The font of the 'never mind' displays the bands attitude to the music industry and it also plays in with the water around to show their fluidity and attitude towards their music efforts, as if to say that they don't care about names and labels but rather the music they produce. The album also comments on americas greed and averice due to the political landscape of the reagonomic saga.

The name The Fratellis comes from the criminal family in the film the goonies. This connotes the anti-establishment attitude they have towards society. The font however is quite relaxed and informal which presents their conformity to social norms and gives a relaxed feel to the album. The image seen is of three women in revealing clothing which supports the anti-social image of the band. It portrays the idea of lounging around and relaxed listening. The name Costello Music originates from a studio the band once recorded in, in Budhill, Glasgow which the band used to rent out. Being their first album it connotes their progress from being an unknown band who had to rent their own studio to a big hit band. The dominant colour of the album is cream, this reflect the walls of a lounge which refers to the lounging effect of the album to help people relax and enjoy it. The CD is produced by Tony Hoffer, this appeals to the audience as he is the same producer /mixer who produced albums by Beck and The Kooks, therefore those respective audiences may join the Frattellis fan base.

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