Wednesday 28 March 2018

Lighting for music video

As our music video is set in an asylum we will aim to have the room as white and bright as possible. We will be able to enhance the rooms ice white colour through techniques acquired in research on different 'lighting' techniques.


As you can see from the video the cameraman is able to enhance the white background (we will have white curtains) to make it is a white and sharp as possible to connote that crazy/trapped feeling to the audience that our character will be portraying.

Furthermore, the movie 'One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest' relates to our music video as the story line is similar. Therefore we can take inspiration from the movie and the lighting they used and insert those ideas effectively into our music video.

As you can see from the clip the lighting and colour scheme is very basic. It is all white to emphasise the basic lifestyle one has when they live inside a mental asylum. Furthermore, you can see that the patients are all wearing simple one piece clothing with plain colours to further connote the simple and hopeless lifestyle of a patient in the asylum. We look forward to attempting to implement aspects of this movie into our music video to help create the asylum feel to the audience as well as helping to create the character that the audience will relate to.

In relation to the five key areas: (Genre, target audience, star image, synthetic or organic audience and conventions of a music video)
Genre: grunge rock - this usually means dark and gloomy lighting, however we subvert conventions of a music video as we are telling a story of a man trapped in an asylum who is let loose through music. The best way this is portrayed is through bright white lighting in the studio to convey an asylum in which the band will also perform in as their 'studio.'
Target Audience: disengaged youth/ rebellious teenagers - as we target the disengaged youth and rebellious youth, their is a good chance that our audience can relate to being isolated and different which our main artist portrays in the music video.
Star Image: Our bands star image is similar to that of Biffy Clyro, Nirvana and Kurt Cobain, the most accurate fit is Biffy Clyro, as we are building a unique image over time however we are different due to the stories we tell through our music so we subvert conventions.
Synthetic or Organic: organic artists as the band plays different instruments and care about building a genuine fan base through reality story telling through their music. Negus argues, not appealing to mainstream media and building fan base over time is essential to organic artists building a healthy fan base.
Conventions of a music video: Keith Negus argues, not appealing to mainstream media and building fan base over time is essential to organic artists building a healthy fan base.

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