Wednesday 24 May 2017

conventions of a music video

1) always going to be lip syncing
2) storyline- this can be seen through thought beats
3) editing- always cut to the beat of a song
4) music matches the visuals
5) Mise/en/scene- matches the pace and genre of the song
6) Conspicuous use of close ups to sell the star image of the artists
7) lyrics match the visuals on the screen
8) intertextual references- when one text e.g. music video looks like something else- homage/pastiche
9) Scopophilia- sexual pleasure through looking at someone else, in music videos this is through additional lenses/camera look at the artist.
10) discontinuity editing is employed in music videos to encourage the viewer to repeatedly watch them-  music videos do not have to look like films and therefore sequences can be repeated as long as they are not too repetitive.

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