Wednesday 26 April 2017

Audience Feedback

Here is some audience feedback from a facebook post of my opening sequence, overall we received lots of positive feedback.

Lots of these comments were very useful feedback and things that we wanted people to see and feel when watching our film. From the first picture one of the comments talks about are use of shots, and sound to build up tension and suspense which is exactly what we tried to do. Many comments were of people telling us they really enjoyed the film and how professional it looked which made me very happy as we worked hard to do the most professional job as possible. Another comment compared it to Goodfellas which again is really positive as this was a huge inspiration to us a group. The last few comments were the most effective in terms of feedback as one pointed out although he was probably joking when calling it 'racist' this is one of the key themes in our film and we wanted to show who was superior and inferior in society so it was very pleasing that someone was able to pick up on this. Lastly we had a comment praising the voice over, which was something that we used to make our film be different to the generic thriller film and stand out. Overall the feedback was very positive and i am personally very happy people enjoyed and our film that we worked really hard to make.

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