Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Account of shhoting day 1 (part 2)

Context: This is part 2 of the same shooting day as this took place straight after the failures of the filming at our outdoor location. We were all very frustrated that we couldn't get any footage done after we spent most of the day preparing for the outdoor location filming so we decided to film the second scene in our opening sequence.

Plan: Once we decided to do the filming that night we phoned up are actor who also lives at the location which was an office in his house if he was willing to film later which thankfully he agreed too. This filming session was always going to be a lot shorter then the outdoor location as it is a lot easier to film due to it being in a small room and only needs a few shots. We made sure our props were set up with the board of faces and the 'gun' all ready to be used.

My role: In this short scene there was only one actor involved so all the members of our group that were present were helping to film and make sure we are pleased with all our shots. I prepared the nail board with all the printed out faces for the scene and also helped Jack with the different camera angles making sure we were completely happy with what we were filming.

How did it go?: Very well! We managed to film the short scene very efficiently without any hiccups or obstacles. We repeated the whole scene many times with different angles and camera shots such as a low angle, wide shot and close ups. Our actor was very good and embraced the role which really helped make the scene look realistic.

Review: Overall this second part of our first filming day was a huge success, we were able to film all the angles and camera shots we wanted too in a very efficient and successful way. After the frustration of not being able to film the main body of our sequence like we earlier planned for we were still able to get a good portion of filming done which turned a non-productive day in to a highly productive one. From this filming session alone we also learnt a lot about how to use the camera and the angles to really highlight the message we are trying to portray about the characters and it just heightened our knowledge of how best to use the cameras for the filming of the large scene in the sequence that is to follow.

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