Thursday, 24 November 2016

Examples of editing techniques

Montage- Quick cuts edited together to condense time

Jump cut- It is a 30degree jump in the action, generally used in a conversation or an action film

Slow motion- Slows dow time

Wipe transition- Wipes across the transition

Freeze frame- Can be used to introduce a non diegetic voice over, introduces character importance.

Fast motion- Speeds up time

Continuity editing 

Eye line match- When we see through  a characters eyes what they are looking at

Shot reverse shot- Shows a conversation and cuts between the people talking

Flashback- Enables us to see things that happened in the past

Match on action- Enables us to see movement

Pace of the scene- Slow pace focus on dialogue, fast pace is used in action scenes

Camera time- the amount of time the camera spends on a character dictates their importance

Dissolves- Where one scene over laps the other and it fades into the next scene

Cutting on action- Cutting from one shot to the next

Kuleshov effect- You insert something in the middle of the scene to create a meaning

Fade in/fade out- Fading to or from black

Sound bridge- Can link two scenes together

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