Sunday, 20 November 2016

analysis of the opening sequence of Skyfall- How is gender represented.

Gender is represented both positively and stereotypically in the opening sequence of sky fall through camera, sound, editing and miss-en-scene. At the start of scene 1 a tracking shot is following James bond showing he in charge and the one in power which is stereotypical that the man is the one who leads. The non deistic music which builds the tension adds to make Bond the main hero. Furthermore the diegetic sound of M talking telling bond to leave agent Robson to die represents her as heartless and cold in contrast to bond where a shot reverse shot of bond looking at agent Robson shows his soft side as he didn't want to leave him. Bond is now seen as caring and the audience begin to like bond even more and makes his hero status even more relevant while M is seen as the cold one with no feelings. Money Penny then picks Bond up in a car as soon as he leaves the building implying Bond is the boss and she is the assistant which is stereotypical that the female is as siting the male hero in less violent roles such as driving. Bond is operating the weapons while Money Penny is driving again this is stereotypical that the male does the violent and action part while the female does the driving and helping Bond save the day. A wide shot that shows deep focus makes it clear that M is in charge of everyone in her office. Although she is in charge and clearly has power which is counter typical but like Money penny her role is less violent and all about helping Bond, the office could symbolise a kitchen which is stereotypical that the women stays there while the man goes out and does the work. While driving the dialogue shows that Bond is being patronising to Money Penny about her driving reinforcing typical stereotypes that women can't drive. An eye line match of bond looking at the other car, shows he is thinking about how they could get out of trouble which reinforces Bond's intelligence and how he is the one who really is being heroic. Followed by Bond grabbing the steering wheel off Money Penny again showing how he doesn't trust Money Penny's driving skills which is stereotypical also that he is the main hero and that he will take the lead to make sure he saves the day and is most action films the man is the one who makes the heroic moves and stills the limelight. After Bond gets out the car and starts shooting showing he is the hero and how the male should be the one who does the violent and dangerous parts while Money Penny representing the females waits in the car implying that the women shouldn't be doing the dangerous roles and agin is stereotypical of an action film that the man is the main hero and saviour. A medium shot of M makes her look manly and cross cutting between M in her office and Bond's motorcycle chase, shows M is instructing while Bond is doing what she says which is a counter type of gender but also gender stereotypical as Bond is taking part in the action while M is stuck in the office with a backseat role. A point of view shot of Bond and the non diegetic sound of music in the motorcycle chase again shows bond to be heroic. Throughout the opening sequence of sky fall, many gender stereotype are represented. Bond is the one who is at the centre of the violence and does the heroic acts which is stereotypical that the male is the lead and the intelligent hero that the audience can attach themselves to. In contrast to M who is straight away seen as heartless and cold and her manly looks makes it hard to form an attachment with her. Although she is telling Bond what to do and is the boos which is a gender counter type she is only seen in the office while Bond is out doing the main work which is stereotypical of the women staying home while the man works. Lastly Money Penny is gender stereotypical as she is assisting bond throughout by doing the easy jobs such as driving and even that she can't do well which is a gender stereotype as well.

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