Thursday 30 November 2017

Music Video Survey response

We interviewed 12 people for our music video survey: The general responses are shown below.

1) what gender are you? Male (7), Female (5)
2) What is your age? 17-19(10), 49-51(2)
3) Do you like Grunge rock? Yes(5), No(7)
4) In a music video do you prefer a performance or a narrative? Performance(3), Narrative(9)
5) Our narrative is of a mental patient stuck in a mental asylum and is struggling to get out and we show the patient free discovering his mind and the contrast between the two, with shots where they both feature as the different characters. Does this appeal to you and why?
- Yes, this sounds very interesting
-I like the idea of showing the contrast between the mental patient and the free version of himself.
- By the description you have given me i think it might be quite confusing between the two versions of the main character and will take away from the song itself.

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